Index was once a small and close-knit community, but the town located on the western side of Washington state has grown in recent years beyond anyone's expectations. It is the ideal place for those who work in Seattle but can't afford the city's high real estate prices, and for others the natural beauty attracts them to the town. And Index truly is a beautiful place - surrounded by thick evergreen trees, tall mountains and glistening rivers and lakes. While weather is typically rainy with overcast skies even this does nothing to take away from the beauty of the town, and it is only highlighted further when the heavy snow graces the town and caps the mountains in winter. To many, Index would seem like a paradise. And yet lurking beneath this visual beauty there is more to this town than anyone might ever imagine...

Current Time in Index, Washington:
PLAYBYS: Sims from the games Sims 2, 3 and 4 are used to visually represent player’s original characters (no characters from within the franchise are allowed). But, you do not need these games to join and roleplay! If you wish, you can post a thread in our out of character / general forum and list as many physical details about your character as you wish. The members of Index will happily try and make a character for you, and you can choose which one you feel best fits your vision.

AVATARS: Avatars should display your characters face clearly and should be at least 200 pixels tall, and 200 pixels wide.

THREADING & POSTING: When threading with multiple characters, it is important that you post only when it is your turn. This can be acheived by taking note of who has posted before you, and remember you are to always post after them. If you were the thread starter, then it is your turn after the final person has joined your thread.

When creating a thread you are required to place a tag before the title. Here are a list of types of thread you can create and how to tag each one:

[Open] Anyone is welcome to join your thread, with no limit on the number of characters.
[Open - #] Anyone is welcome to join your thread, but there is a limit on the number of characters who can join. Replace the # with how many extra characters you will allow to join your thread.
[Private] Only specific characters can join your thread.
[Closed] This tag should be used for threads that only involve your character.

ACTIVITY: To keep threads moving, people are encouraged to post within three days when it is their turn. If you do not post within three days, and you have not asked people to wait for you, it is possible you will be skipped. Keep in mind this is just a suggestion. While we'd love for everyone to be active every day, we understand that real life and other hobbies are just as important, if not more. We want you to be active because you want to be, not because a rule is telling you to be.

MATURITY RATING: Public threads should all be PG. If roleplayers above the age of 18 wish to post content that could be could be considered graphic then it should be hidden from view using the [hide] [/hide] code, which will enable only those in the threads and administrators to view the content.

 Update Post

Update Post

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Posts : 28
Join date : 2017-03-14
Thread/Post Title:  Update Post
Posted By:  Admin   /   Admin
Posted On/At:  March 24th 2017, 8:06 pm
Update 3.24.17

As I'm sure you all have noticed, I've made a few changes to Index once again. There were many reasons for making these changes, of which I'm not going to get into, and instead, I'm going to get right into the guide. Let's get started!

We've gone back to our standard 250 x 250 avatar size and square shape. Your uploaded avatars will have automatically resized to fit the 250 x 250 avatar spot within threads, and they will continue to resize to precisely these dimensions from this point on. To avoid the ''squished'' effect, make sure your avatars are cropped to a perfect square. To maintain maximum quality, make sure your avatars are sized to 250 pixels wide, and 250 pixels tall or larger. If you decide to upload larger images to boost quality, remember that they need to be cropped to a perfect square.

Banners are slightly taller, but we've lost a significant amount of room for them horizontally. The new size requirement for banners is 745 pixels wide, and 250 pixels tall. All banners will have automatically resized to these dimensions when I added the update. However, they will appear squished until you re-crop them to the new dimensions. Like avatars, banners will always appear as 745 pixels wide, and 250 pixels tall, regardless of which size you have cropped your images to. So, in order to maintain quality and appropriate proportions, make sure your banners are cropped to precisely 745 pixels wide, and 250 pixels tall.

Additional Forums
I've added additional forums to better organize our threads. While the IC forums are still the same, our OOC category has been improved. I have removed the ''Status Update'' forum. If you wish to inform people of your activity, please use your personal forum for this from now on.

OOC - General: Here you'll see our usual "General Discussion" forum. However I've also added a "Specialized Threads" forum as well. This is where you can find standard informational threads such as our NPC Listing, Unofficial Locations Listing, Supernatural Listing, etc... These threads can still be accessed under the header "Quick Links" within the navigation bar. I've also added a separate sub-forum for codes to make browsing our forum codes easier and faster.

OOC - Member Pages: I have officially renamed "Member Pages" to "Profiles". This has allowed me to name the entire new category "Member Pages" which sums up the sub-forums inside, as we now have two separate application boards (One for new members, and one for current members.), and a special location for journal themes. You can find your personal profiles (Previously named "Member Pages") within the "Profiles" sub-forum.

Compose New Thread or Post
This section has been vastly improved. Starting from the top, you'll now see an additional button at the far right of the toolbar, of which it's icon is a miniature ''moon''. If you click this button, you can easily access codes for Thread Details, OOC Messages, and Text Messages. This new addition has allowed me to remove the cluttered text that appears above the post box, keeping you from feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, or distracted while posting. Just remember, Thread Details are a requirement for thread starters, and this code should be placed at the very top of your post. OOC messages should be placed directly below the thread details code for thread starters, and at the very top of the post for replies.

When replying to a thread, scrolling down to read over the message(s) you're replying to should be a more visually pleasing experience now. There is no longer a big chunk of white space to the left of this location, and instead, the text fills the entire space with appropriate margins, line spacing, font, and font size.

As you can see, threads have been changed as well. Avatars larger, banners shorter, but the overall appearance of threads has been tidied up. While we no longer have the function to like posts, I personally feel the clean straight lines and overall spacious feel of the new design more than makes up for that loss.

Directly below avatars, you'll see the thread title, the name of the user in which has posted and their rank, and then the date and time in which they've posted. You can still click a users name to gain access to their pop up mini profile as well. The width of this area, however, has shrunk by 30 pixels. If you are using extensive code within your profiles, simply subtract 30 pixels in total from the width of your divs and everything should look just fine.

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